Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome to the Fisher

In a world gone mad with power, no one is safe from the corrupting touch of optimization. Even in the fourth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, an edition that literally oozes flavor and description, many heroes have stopped choosing powers and items because they are cool and started looking for the "best" options. Many start looking at forums in the name of raising their mythic "dps" to levels unheard by the internet.

It must be stopped.

This blog is dedicated to combating the forces of raw optimization with the power of pure awesome. I will discuss what makes certain races and classes awesome, how you can be an awesome player, and many other things regarding awesome and the fantastic game that is Dungeons and Dragons. I will also discuss my own DnD experiences where relevant.

Feel free to read, comment, and share. I'll do my best to respond to all feedback (excluding trolls. Trolls will be dipped in acid and fire).


  1. Woot woot! I'm excited to follow this! I often struggle when designing my characters to balance the line between skills I think they would have elected to develop and skills that just make them better fighters (so that my party won't kill me for the loot).

    Look forward to reading your updates!
